The story: Several years, ago, Tom Payne began work in China on behalf of some of his western clients. With his experience in East Europe, this placed him in a very desirable position of understanding the transitional communist economies. and business. Following TJP's business operations style, he fir4st located the very smartest and qualified young managers in each region, and utilized their expertise to get various consulting jobs done: this included, arranging business meetings, seminars, governmental activity and others. In due course, TJP was amazed at the quick learning curve of the Chinese staff, and their ability to get the job done in their own countries. Rapidly, the small term of Chinese consultants, began to achieve tremendous results for TJP, and TJP's clients who were able to benefit from working on the local economy and also have in country representation and assistance. In two years, the TJP-China team ran circles around the Western Transplanted Management Consulting firms, Advertising agencies and other companies. And, a company was born: Today, the TJP-China Cooperative operates with the same entrepreneurial spirit of their founder and the energy of the Young people of China.
We do not have a big office in a glass tower. We are a Chinese Company with a western spirit. We spend our time in the field, getting the job done and achieving results for our clients: Accomplishments:
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